Extended Day Enrollment

The Pathfinder School Extended Day Program is fully licensed and designed to provide a safe and secure environment for students needing to stay after-school until their parent/ guardian can pick them up. We will provide an environment conducive to the development of the whole child, with a caring staff and activities for the children during their stay. Extended Day is an after-school program offered Monday through Friday; from 3:00pm through 5:30pm. Parents are expected to pick up their children no later than 5:30pm. There is a $15.00 charge if your child is picked up after 5:30 PM. Please email David McCoy (dmccoy@thepathfinderschool.org) with any Extended Day questions.

Fee Policy

The tuition for the Extended Day Program will be assessed on a number of days per month. Families can enroll children for 1-5 days per week, and then fees will be billed for those registered days on a monthly basis. There is a $25.00 charge for anyone who needs to register for Extended Day the same day; this fee will also be billed when children are not picked up by 3:15pm from school. Students must be registered by the beginning of the school year to save their spot.

  • 1 Day a Week: $24 per month

  • 2 Days a Week: $48 per month

  • 3 Day a Week: $72 per month

  • 4 Days a Week: $96 per month

  • 5 Days a Week: $120 per month

Extended Day Behavior Policy

The Pathfinder School is a place in which every child is accepted for who they are and encouraged to be their fun, goofy, and unique selves. We set a high standard of respect for peers and staff and will hold our students accountable to this level of respect. Our staff are trained to create a supportive environment and manage camper behavior. We do take behavioral incidents seriously, as it can impede the extended day experience and cause safety concerns. In the event that a student physically harms another student or a staff member, the parent/guardian will be called immediately and asked to pick the child up. If the incident is repeated, a child may be asked not to return to extended day. We also take negative verbal behavior seriously and this could result in a parent pick up as well. All situations are treated with care on a case-by-case basis.